What People Say About Us

“The Eco-monitor system has delivered proven results across a number of our properties. The system has given us full visibility of energy usage throughout our buildings allowing us to implement changes which in turn has made considerable savings on energy costs”

James Townsend MRICS, Helix Property Advisors

“These reports are really doing their job and our building manager looks forward to receiving his weekly updates. We are learning so much about what is working and what we are told is happening. Keep the info coming and THANKS James and the Eco-monitor team.”

Yvonne Smith, Property Director, Helix Property Advisors


ACS slams ‘bullying’ power companies

The Association of Convenience Stores (ACS) has accused energy companies of “bullying” small businesses.

In a response to the Ofgem Retail Market Review, the ACS called for businesses to be afforded the same rights as domestic customers.

ACS chief executive James Lowman believes that business customers are being treated unfairly by their suppliers.

“Energy companies are abusing their relationship with small businesses in a way that would never be allowed for the general public,” he said. “These double standards need to stop, and the measures we are proposing would give business customers the same basic rights as domestic customers.”

In its submission the ACS urged Ofgem to limit the length of time that energy companies can backdate bills to 12 months, stop automatic rollover contracts, introduce a more effective procedure for handling complaints and prevent excessive use of the objections procedure.

Currently energy companies can automatically rollover business contracts, with customers unable to negotiate or easily change supplier.

“For too long, energy companies have had a free reign over businesses and have been able to tie them up into unreasonable contracts,” added Lowman. “We must see a complete overhaul of the way energy companies do business with their non-domestic customers and a more effective procedure for handling complaints.”