What People Say About Us

"Just a quick thank you to you both and your respective teams for the various works last weekend at 50 Broadway. It is my understanding everything went off without a hitch and ran like a military operation. Your flexibility and ability to change the date at short notice was also extremely appreciated.

Thank you once again and please keep up the good work."

James Townsend MRICS, Helix Property Advisors

"If you are to make a serious attempt to cut your energy usage and carbon footprint, you have to be able to measure what you are doing. The Eco-monitor approach allows exact monitoring and they help us focus on usage and how we can save."

Andrew Thornton, Thornton's Budgens


Case Studies

Queen Anne’s Gate, central London

Rapid transformation of energy consumption

The Challenge

Queen Anne’s Gate is a 24,800 sq. ft. commercial property over six floors. Our client had benefitted from a 34% reduction in their energy tariff and should have been experiencing significantly lower energy bills than the previous year, instead they were significantly higher!

The Solution

Following the completion of a metering and energy survey a monitoring solution at sub meter level on plant and equipment was designed and installed. This gave us the visibility of seeing where, when and why electricity was being used. Through our  Eco-monitor Process our team were able to quickly profile trends and target areas for reduction.

After communication with the client and tenants, actions were agreed and implemented via our team of engineers and the Facilities Management personnel.

The Result

The results were exceptional – energy consumption decreased by 65% within 3 months and the building’s energy consumption is now well under control with further savings identified.

For more detail on this Case Study please download the PDF | Back to the top

The Mille, Brentford

Small incremental actions lead to continuous improvement

The Challenge

The Mille property is a large 100,000 sq. ft. commercial office complex , built in the 1950’s, over 12 floors with full HVAC and passenger lifts, but with no benefit of a Building Management System. The challenge was to reduce the energy consumption of the building without negatively impacting on tenant comfort levels.

The Solution

Following the installation of our sub metering system which gave us visibility of real time half hourly data from the energy consuming equipment throughout the building, we introduced our approach of Energy Management. Through ongoing daily and weekly analysis we were regularly able to identify the areas for eliminating wasted energy and therefore reduce consumption. Each week these findings were communicated via a simple and meaningful weekly report to the Building Manager. Small and regular incremental changes were implemented and continue to be.

The Result

Through these small but important changes, a reduction of 20% on energy consumption has been achieved, significantly reducing costs.

Also, the Building Manager has far greater understanding of his building and far more direction in terms of what can be done to reduce consumption levels, whilst managing tenant expectations.

For more detail on this Case Study please download the PDF | Back to the top

Medina Dairy Limited

Strategic energy procurement saves money and time

The Challenge

Our client Medina Dairy Ltd has a significant spend on electricity, and since securing their last fixed price agreement, energy prices had risen by more than 20%. Facing an increase of around £170,000 per year, we needed to ensure these increases were kept to an absolute minimum.

The Solution

The strategic renewal of their contracts was paramount to ensure best prices were achieved going forward. Although not all supplies were with one supplier, this tender was structured as a group in order to attract more suppliers, increase competition within the tender, thus achieving better prices.

The Result

After negotiating with suppliers and securing the most relevant and competitive pricing structure, a contract was secured that saved our client over £63,000 compared to the equivalent market prices.

Alongside the electricity supply rates, we also analysed the kVA capacity of each site and found one supply to be vastly under-consuming its allotted kVA allowance. We were able to liaise with the distribution company, reducing kVA costs by a staggering 91%.

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CRC compliance expertise saves our client money

The Challenge

One of our clients is a major property management company that manages a significant number of commercial buildings on behalf of various property Funds. In the course of our engagement with our client it became apparent to us that they were unsure with the details and expectations attached to the CRC-Energy Efficiency Scheme in relation to the various Funds that they were responsible for. Our concern was the negative financial impact that doing nothing would have on their business and that they could be fined unnecessarily.

The Solution

We provided our client with the most relevant advice and proposed plan of action and in August 2010 a rapid review of over 10 Fund portfolios and individual CRC assessments were completed in a matter of 9 days, establishing each Fund’s obligation in respect of the CRC.

The Result

All of the Funds were obliged to submit information disclosures or register with the scheme ahead of the September deadline. Had any of these Funds not registered for the CRC in time they would have faced sizable penalty fines, which could have escalated into tens of thousands of pounds.

Going forward our client is being assisted in managing the ongoing compliance requirements and they are satisfied that Eco-monitor’s holistic approach to energy efficiency has delivered results for them and enhanced their relationships and standing with their property clients.

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Times Place, Pall Mall, London

Sub-metering provides the platform to reduce energy consumption

The Challenge

Times Place is a 60,600 sq. ft. property across eight floors in Pall Mall, London. Due to the business nature of one of the four tenants, the building needs to be accessed 24/7 and therefore controlling plant running times was proving problematic. A new building management system had been installed and yet the £130,000 annual spend on electricity and gas showed no signs of decreasing.

The Solution

Following the installation of our sub metering system which comprised of 7 metering points, we achieved visibility of real time half hourly data from the heating, ventilation air conditioning and lighting throughout the building. We introduced our approach of Energy Management and through ongoing daily and weekly analysis we were able to identify the areas for eliminating wasted energy and therefore reduce consumption. Through this process it was recommended that the BMS was serviced and closely monitored and that PIR movement sensors were installed in the toilets throughout the building. We were clearly able to see in great detail the positive impact via our analysis.

The Result

Tighter control of plant running times has been achieved and we have been able to identify which tenants are the primary cause of high consumption. This has enabled our client to recover some of these costs from the client directly as their 24/7 occupancy was putting a demand on landlord plant.

Also, we were able to identify that lighting consumption reduced by 61% in the two months following the PIR installations compared to the three months previously, ensuring that the payback on the investment could be clearly and confidently measured and demonstrated.

For more detail on this Case Study please download the PDF | Back to the top

Telford Plaza, Telford

kVA Allowance – Putting our client’s mind at rest

The Challenge

Telford Plaza is a 90,700 sq. ft. property in central Telford and has multiple tenants across its twelve floors. With more tenants moving into the building, our client was concerned that their available power capacity could be exceeded with the increase in occupancy, resulting in them incurring a possible increase power factor charges.

The Solution

Because our technology measures Power Factor as well as energy consumption, we identified the peak consumption for the year and identified what had caused it. From this, we were able to advise how close this came to their allowance and how much tolerance was left. The half-hourly data from the sub-metered points revealed what was behind the fluctuating consumption profiles. This enabled the patterns to be attributed to specific plant and areas of the building. It also showed how close the demand came to the kVA allowance given by the electricity company.

The Result

The tolerance was then considered in relation to the proposed increase in occupancy and it was found that there would be no danger of exceeding the kVA allowance, allowing our client to proceed with confidence.

For more detail on this case Study please download the PDF | Back to the top

50 Broadway, St James’s Park, London

Gas as well as electricity monitoring helps to optimise energy consumption

The Challenge

50 Broadway is a 70,000 sq. ft. property in St. James’s Park, central London. It comprises of ten floors and has two tenants split evenly over the upper and lower floors. Our client wanted to understand where savings on both gas and electricity could be achieved, especially as they have recently experienced a 20% increase in their gas tariff.

The Solution

Through the installation of our monitoring technology for both gas and electricity savings were identified. Our system pin-pointed that gas was being consumed throughout the night and this was at a similar rate to the day time consumption. Immediate changes were made to the building management system (BMS) in order to bring consumption under control.

The Result

Our client has been able to reduce their gas consumption by 25%.

Monitoring gas as well as electricity gives a complete understanding of the relationship between the two fuel sources within a building. It can highlight conflicts between heating and cooling, identify costs associated with particular plant and highlight inefficiencies in plant.

For more detail on this case Study please download the PDF | Back to the top