What People Say About Us

"Working with Eco-monitor has already delivered significant results to our business. They have provided real expertise on how we can reduce our exposure to increasing energy costs and I would recommend them to anyone who wants to become more energy efficient."

Steve Carter, Trading Director, Medina Dairy Limited

"Thank you for the excellent work you have delivered so far. We have been very impressed with the level of focus and detail you have applied, as well as your strategic planning. We are looking forward to continuing to work with you to support our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon emissions."

Phil Ponsonby, Chief Operating Officer, Food Retail and Services, Southern Co-operative


Eco-monitor Process

Process - we embrace it and we never short cut it

The process for achieving continuous improvement is the same regardless of what you want to improve and the cycle for the reduction and control of energy and water consumption is no different. However, to achieve this requires time, resource, technical capability, knowledge and expertise and in terms of energy efficiency management this is what we have. This is because it's what we do day in day out for our clients.

The proven and structured process below shows how we deliver it:

Energy Assessment

Eco-monitor can offer you a no obligation free top line Energy Assessment of your business. This provides initial energy profiles and a benchmark against other similar buildings or business types. It identifies immediate opportunities for reduction and is therefore often the starting point. We achieve this by asking you to provide us with your energy bills and related business information. Our energy analysts will then use this information to deliver meaningful and relevant insights. We also review your energy tariff(s) to ascertain how competitive they are and to provide more competitive quotes where applicable.

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Metering Survey

The first stage of any effective energy efficiency program is to ensure the most appropriate metering and sub metering technology is installed in a building. The purpose of the metering survey is to achieve this. It identifies whether old energy meters would need to be replaced with new smart metering technology. Also, where a building would benefit from having a better understanding of where energy is being used, such as specific machinery or floors, then the survey identifies the most relevant and cost effective sub metering solutions.

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Metering Installation

Following the metering survey, should a new metering and /or sub metering installation be required, a proposal is submitted to our client for approval. Eco-monitor then take all necessary steps to manage the smooth installation of the metering, ensuring minimum disruption to the building and to your business.

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Energy Survey

This can often support the process but is not always an essential requirement, and we would only recommend a full survey where we believe it to be necessary. We provide a range of energy surveys that are tailored to your specific business needs and size. These range from desk top analysis of your energy consumption through to full building analysis by our expert surveyors who are fully qualified to carry out surveys of any type of building. This enables you to set energy reduction targets in conjunction with commercial cost benefit analysis.

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Following the initial steps in the process we then proceed into a signed agreement, working with our clients to create an enduring and beneficial relationship, with sustainable and self financing value.

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Analyse Data

We analyse the energy consumption data of every monitored building on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to extrapolate meaningful profiles and trends. Using our market leading software combined with our dedicated energy analysts we are able to swiftly identify and assess opportunities for savings which creates the foundation for sustainable reduction and control of energy.

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Set Targets & Goals

Eco-monitor are now in a position to advise on relevant targets to be set, taking into consideration our client's current status as well as their commercial and environmental aspirations. Targets for short, medium and long term reductions are subsequently agreed enabling all parties involved in the process to stay focussed on the agreed goals and accountable to the results.

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Identify Opportunities

Through the energy consumption data analysis and the energy survey (if applicable), specific opportunities for improvement are readily identified. These may include small incremental opportunities, as well as major opportunities requiring long term investment. They may range from the re-scheduling of control set points, to personnel behavioural changes or new and improved equipment being installed. It is here that our expertise, knowledge and experience from the many buildings we analyse serve to support our findings.

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It is at this stage that we thoroughly assess the opportunities for improvement by assessing both the commercial and environmental benefits. The appropriate opportunities are then converted into specific recommendations which are focussed on our client's overall goals. We achieve this by utilising both our significant commercial experience as well as our energy expertise.

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Agree Actions

In conjunction with our client the commercial and environmental merits of our recommendations are discussed, which can be done on a weekly, monthly as well as quarterly basis. This ensures decisions are prioritised and agreed with the short and long term requirements being considered. This process is undertaken through a weekly report with follow up dialogue and a monthly executive report combined with a monthly face to face meeting.

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Implement Actions

Following agreement to any action, Eco-monitor manages the process of implementation on our client's behalf, wherever possible and appropriate. This ensures consistent focus is maintained resulting in speed of delivery and improvements being realised more quickly. We achieve this by developing contacts and relationships across our client's organisation, as well as their suppliers and from across the industry. We are skilled in the operational process of ensuring action and change is implemented effectively and smoothly and we are intuitive to the needs of all parties that may be impacted.

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Review Results

Following successful implementation of the agreed actions, we thoroughly review the impact on results against all relevant measures, such as year on year, month on month or against targets. This level of focus it drives accountability to the results across the whole network of contacts. If the circumstance arises where it is evident that planned reductions are not being realised then remedial action is agreed and implemented.

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