What People Say About Us

"Thank you for the excellent work you have delivered so far. We have been very impressed with the level of focus and detail you have applied, as well as your strategic planning. We are looking forward to continuing to work with you to support our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon emissions."

Phil Ponsonby, Chief Operating Officer, Food Retail and Services, Southern Co-operative

“My thoughts on your reporting and the visibility of Eco-monitor. One word – excellent! The reporting is full of great information that is easy to read and the charts showing what is going on in the building are very clear and updated regularly”

Ken Wickenden, Building Manager, The Mille, Brentford


Energy Management

Complex Made Simple – The Eco-system

Eco-monitor provides a pro-active energy reduction and management service for electricity, gas and water, which is designed to optimise a building’s consumption and keep it in-check. We call our unique approach The Eco-system which delivers a continuous cycle of energy improvement and control for our clients.

The Eco-system:

  • Analyse.
  • Set Targets & Goals.
  • Identify Opportunities.
  • Recommendations.
  • Agree Actions.
  • Implement.
  • Review Results.

Our experienced energy analysts create individual weekly reports highlighting consumption profiles along with comparison and trends. Reports alone however do not always initiate actions and that is why we have regular dialogue with our clients. To support this a comprehensive monthly executive report is produced and presented face to face, providing analysis and insights into the monthly and annual trends as well as review of progress against agreed targets.

We go to great lengths to ensure our reporting is clear and concise as well as tailored and relevant to our audience.

The visibility of consumption data that we deliver can be at varying levels of detail depending on the metering solutions that are installed within the building. This ranges from seeing the real time consumption for the whole building, via the Smart meter(s), through to measuring the energy used in selected areas or by specific machinery via sub metering. Sub metering is more appropriate for larger more complex buildings, or with businesses with high energy costs and can provide a detailed understanding of not only when energy is being consumed but also from where and why.

For more information on how the Eco-system works go to the Eco-monitor Process

We have a number of varied Case Studies which can demonstrate the impact of The Eco-system.