What People Say About Us

“The Eco-monitor system has delivered proven results across a number of our properties. The system has given us full visibility of energy usage throughout our buildings allowing us to implement changes which in turn has made considerable savings on energy costs”

James Townsend MRICS, Helix Property Advisors

"Thank you for the excellent work you have delivered so far. We have been very impressed with the level of focus and detail you have applied, as well as your strategic planning. We are looking forward to continuing to work with you to support our ongoing commitment to reducing our carbon emissions."

Phil Ponsonby, Chief Operating Officer, Food Retail and Services, Southern Co-operative


Co-operative Group Cut Greenhouse Emissions By 35%

The Co-operative Group has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by a massive 35%, an update on the society’s Ethical Operating Plan has revealed.

The plan was launched last year and trumpeted by The Co-op as “the most radical sustainability programme in UK history”. It outlined 47 tough commitments, including increasing the society’s membership to 20 million by 2020 and promising to use Fairtrade certified goods for 90% of the primary commodities sourced from the developing world.

The Co-op said it had reduced its water consumption by 20%, increased its membership by a further million and helped 700 co-operative enterprises.

This year’s updated plan has 53 new commitments, including launching a campaign with Oxfam to champion small-holder farmers and co-operatives; reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2020; and investing £17m in support of co-operative development.

“Despite the economic downturn we have remained true to our pledge to show the way on corporate responsibility,” said group chief executive
Peter Marks.

“Our work in the communities in and around our stores is going from strength to strength. Amazingly, the average person in the UK is now only a mile away from a community project that has received our support.”